
Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

We try to create clean and uncluttered pages that work well on phones, tablets and computers. Happily, we do not carry advertisements, nor do we need click-throughs, nor to make money from ‘digital exhaust’. Most users come straight from search engines (and probably return there). We just focus on content.


Many of the images we use are sourced from Flickr and Wikimedia. They come with Creative Commons licenses. We also make extensive use of Unsplash material and public domain content from Wikipedia and larger public institutions.


All live typefaces are websafe – they are on your computer or device rather than drawn from an external server such as Google Fonts. There are two reasons for doing this – websafe pages load faster, and we suspect Google uses its fonts to track users.

For the main body text – which tends to be quite wordy on infed – we use a serif typeface. It is easier for most to read. We have chosen Georgia (with Palatino as a fallback). Clear on-screen, it is installed on 99.4% of Windows machines and 97.48% of Macs. iPhones from version 3 and iPads from version 4.3 should also display Georgia. Designed by Matthew Carter for Microsoft, Georgia was ‘hinted’ by Tom Rickner.

Headings are set in Tahamo– which has a humanist feel – which was also designed by Matthew Carter for Microsoft. It has the advantage, like Georgia, of being used on many Apple machines and Microsoft systems. We use Trebuchet MS a humanist sans-serif typeface designed by Vincent Connare as a fallback. 99.67% of Microsoft machines and 97.1% of Macs have Trebuchet MS installed. iPhones from version 3 and iPads from version 4.3 should also display Trebuchet MS.

If viewing on an Android phone or device you are probably seeing the Google default fonts: Droid Sans and Droid Serif.

Our logo uses Stardos Stencil – a Google Font designed by Vernon Adams. However, it only appears as part of an image file generated by us and is not tracked.


After years of using all-singing and all-dancing platforms like Divi and Pagelines we have opted for the simple life. The site uses WordPress Twenty Nineteen plus a chunk of custom CSS code.

Acknowledgement: Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash