about us

infed – the encyclopaedia of pedagogy and informal education – is a not-for-profit, and cookie-free resource. We aim to provide a space to explore education, pedagogy, community-building and change.

a space to explore

We look to explore, in particular, the theory and practice of informal education, social pedagogy, community learning and development, specialist education, and lifelong learning. infed was established in 1995 and has developed over the years with support from the Practice Development Research Unit, the Rank Foundation, and the YMCA George Williams College.

not for profit, ‘cookie-free’ and open

The site is offered as a service to the field and is run on a not-for-profit basis. Access to the pages is free and open to all. We carry no paid-for advertising, nor do any of the editorial links to other sites involve sponsorship or payment. Some links may include advertising but again there is no payment to us. We do not need click-throughs, nor to make money from ‘digital exhaust’ so we are cookie-free (see our privacy policy). Most users come straight from search engines (and probably return there). We just focus on content.


We have been endorsed by various sites and won commendations from organizations like Encyclopedia Britannica, Adult Learning Australia, the Study Web and Schoolzone. We are part of the British Library archiving project and a number of the pages are included on the UNESCO/NCVER voced database and on SOSIG (the Social Science Information Gateway). Thousands of sites link to us (including the BBC, Channel 4, The Guardian and various educational institutions – for example, Harvard, MIT, and the Open University).

used by lots of people

We have a rough idea of how many people use our pages and what pages they use. However, just who they are remains a mystery – and that will continue as we do not use Google Analytics. At the moment the site looks to around 900,000 visits a year. The top ten countries in May 2024 (based on the number of pages downloaded) were as follows: 1. USA (32%), 2. UK (26%), 3. Ukraine (7%), 4. India (4%), 5. China (3%), 6. Poland (3%), 7. Australia (2.5%), 8. Canada (2%), 9. Russian Federation (2%), 10. South Africa (1.5%).


infed is edited by Mark K. Smith. Tony Jeffs also helps to compile the archives and encyclopedia.

Acknowledgement: image Fabio Santaniello Bruun on Unsplash

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