Jane Elizabeth Senior and work with girls and young women

Jane Elizabeth Senior and work with girls and young women. Jane Senior (1828-1877) (also known as Mrs Nassau Senior) was the first woman civil servant (the inspector of workhouses). She was also an important social reformer – helping to found the British Red Cross, the Girls’ Friendly Society and the Metropolitan Association for Befriending Young Servants. Jane Senior was also part of an influential network of social activists and writers.

In preparation

contents: introduction · life · charitable work · workhouses and ‘pauper girls’ · conclusion · further reading and references

Further reading and references

Oldfield, Sybil (2008) Jeanie, an ‘Army of One’: Mrs Nassau Senior, 1828-1877, the First Woman in Whitehall. Brighton: Sussex Academic Press.


peerage.org: Walter Money’s recollections published shortly after Jane Nassau Senior’s death. It includes an image of the famous portrait of her painted by George Frederick Watts in 1857-8.