Basil Henriques and boys’ club work

Henriques Street is by stoptimephoto on flickr. It is reproduced here under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) licence. Basil Henriques and boys’ club work. Basil Henriques’ exploration of boys’ club work provided several generations of workers with a framework for practice. We examine his vision and his contribution to youth work.

Contents: introduction · ·  conclusion · further reading and references · links · how to cite this article

Basil Lucs Quixano Henriques (1890-1961) was a key figure in the Boys’ Club movement and within Jewish youth work. His book Club Leadership (1933) was a deeply influential statement of the principles and practices of boys’ club work. His work in setting up, and working as the warden of, the Baron Baron St George’s Jewish Settlement touched many people’s lives in East London. More broadly Basil Henriques activities within the National Association of Boys’ Clubs were also a great significance (helping, for example to write the classic Principles and Aims of the National Association of Boys’ Clubs [1930]).


Further reading and references

Henriques, Basil L. Q. (1933) Club Leadership, London: Oxford University Press. (2e 1934; 3e 1942) 250 + ix pages. There were earlier books on purposes, principles and methods in boys’ clubs (such as Charles Russell’s and Lillian Rigby’s (1908 and 1932) Working Lads’ Clubs, London : A. C. Black) but this was a very influential book Chapters deal with aims, premises, office and office routines, understanding the boy, leadership, self-government, activities – pastime and physical, handiwork and education, social and occasional, camp, religion, sex, health, finance, cooperation with outside bodies, and age groups.

Henriques, Basil L. Q. (1937) Indiscretions of a Warden, London: Methuen. Some reflections on his life and his work setting up the Baron Baron St George’s Jewish Settlement.

Henriques, Basil L. Q. (1951) Club Leadership Today, London: Oxford University Press. 316 + x pages. A significant reworking of Club Leadership.

Loewe, L. L. (1976) Basil Henriques. A portrait based on his diaries, letters and speeches, as collated by his widow, Rose Henriques, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 181 + x pages. Provides a useful insight into his life.


Henriques, Basil L. Q. (1945) What is Judaism? London: Bernhard Baron Settlement.

Henriques, Basil L. Q. (1950) The indiscretions of a magistrate : thoughts on the work of the juvenile court, London: Harrap. 192 pages.

Henriques, Basil L. Q. (1951) Fratres : club boys in uniform, an anthology, London: Secker and Warburg. 216 pages.

Henriques, Basil L. Q. (1955) The home-menders : the prevention of unhappiness in children, London: Harrap. 192 pages.


The Oxford and St George’s Clubs: account of the clubs and the settlement.

Acknowledgement: The picture of Henriques Street is by stoptimephoto on flickr ( It is reproduced here under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) licence. Henriques Street was formally known as Berner Street the site of the Bernhard Baron Settlement founded by Basil Henriques.