Developing youth work: Bibliography

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The complete bibliography for Mark Smith (1988) Developing Youth Work

Abercrombie, A. and Turner, B.S. (1982). ‘The Dominant Ideology Thesis’, in Giddens, A. and Held, D. (eds). Classes, Power and Conflict. London, Macmillan.

Adams, R. (1988). ‘Finding a way in. Youth workers and juvenile justice’, in Jeffs. T. and Smith, M. (eds). Welfare and Youth Work Practice. London, Macmillan (in press).

Adams, R. et al. (1981). A Measure of Diversion? Leicester, National Youth Bureau.

Allbeson, J. (1985). ‘Seen but not heard: young people’, in Ward, S. (ed.). DHSS in Crisis. London, Child Poverty Action Group.

Allen, G. etal. (eds) (1987). Community Education: Agenda forEducational Reform. Milton Keynes, Open University Press.

Aries, P. (1962). Centuries of Childhood. London, Jonathan Cape.

BYV Social Education Project (1981). Working Together. The Use of Social Education Techniques in the Secondary School Form Period. Birmingham, Birmingham Young Volunteers.

Bacon, R. and Eltis, W. (1976). Britain’s Economic Problems: Too Few Producers. London, Macmillan.

Bailey, P. (1987). Leisure and Class in Victorian England. Rational Recreation and the Contest for Control 1830-1885 (2nd edn). London, Methuen.

Baker, S.H. (1919). Character Building for Boys. The Scientific Management of Clubs for Boys. London, YMCA Boys Department.

Baldwin, J. and Wells, H. (eds) (1979-81). Active Tutorial Work. Books 1-5. Oxford, Blackwell.

Ball, S.J. (1981). Beachside Comprehensive. A Case Study of Secondary Schooling. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Barnes, L.J. (1945). Youth Service in an English County. London, King George’s Jubilee Trust.

Barnes, L.J. (1948). The Outlook for Youth Work. London, King George’s Jubilee Trust.

Barrow, R. (1984). Giving Teaching Back to the Teachers. A Critical Introduction to Curriculum Theory. Brighton, Wheatsheaf Books.

Bennett, T. (1986a). ‘Introduction: Popular culture and “the turn to Gramsci” ‘, in Bennett, T. et al. (eds). Popular Culture and Social Relations. Milton Keynes, Open University Press.

Bennett, T. (1986b). ‘The politics of the “popular” & popular culture’, in Bennett, T. et al. (eds). Popular Culture and Social Relations. Milton Keynes, Open University Press.

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Bishop,J. and Hoggett, P. (1986). OrganizingAround Enthusiasms. Mutual Aid in Leisure. London, Comedia.

Blackburn, D. (1988). ‘Youth work and disability’, in Jeffs, T. and Smith, M. (eds). Welfare and Youth Work Practice. London, Macmillan (in press).

Blanch, M. (1979). ‘Imperialism, nationalism and organized youth’, in Clarke, J. et al. (eds). Working Class Culture. London, Hutchinson.

Board of Education (1939). In the Service of Youth (Circular 1486). London, HMSO.

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Bolger, S. and Scott, D. (1984). Starting from Strengths. Leicester, National Youth Bureau.

Bone, M. and Ross, E. (1972). The Youth Service and Similar Provision for Young People. London, HMSO.

Booton, F. (1980). ‘Deschooling the Youth Service’, in Booton, F. and Dearling, A. (eds). The 1980s and Beyond. Leicester, National Youth Bureau.

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Brookfield, S.D. (1986). Understanding and Facilitating Adult Learning. Milton Keynes, Open University Press.

Brown, A. (1986). Modern Political Philosophy. Theories of the Just Society. Harmondsworth, Penguin.

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Bulmer, M. (1987). The Social Basis of Community Care. London, Allen and Unwin.

Bunt, S. (1975). Jewish Youth Work in Britain. Past, Present, and Future. London, Bedford Square Press.

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Burgess, R.G. (1984). In the Field. An Introduction to Field Research. London, George Allen and Unwin.

Burley, D. (1980). Issues in Community Service. Leicester, National Youth Bureau.

Burley, D. (1982). Starting Blocks Aspects of Social Education Group Work with Young People. Leicester, National Youth Bureau.

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Callow, F. (1983). ‘A tradition of exploitation’. Youth in Society, 53.

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Clarke, J. and Critcher, C. (1985). The Devil Makes Work. Leisure in Capitalist Britain. London, Macmillan.

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Cunningham, H. (1980). Leisure in the Industrial Revolution. London, Croom Helm.

DES (1969). Youth and Community Work in the 70’s (The Fairbairn-Milson Report). London, HMSO.

DES (1983a). Youth Service Provision in Two Areas of Bedfordshire. Report by HM Inspectors. London, DES.

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David, K. (1983). Personal and Social Education in Secondary Schools. York, Longman for the Schools Council.

Davidoff, L. (1976). ‘The rationalization of housework’, in Barker, D.L. and Allen, S. (eds). Dependence and Exploitation in Work and Marriage. Harlow, Longman.

Davies, B. (1986). Threatening Youth. Towards a National Youth Policy. Milton Keynes, Open University Press.

Davies, B. (1988). ‘Professionalism or trade unionism’, in Jeffs, T. and Smith, M. (eds). Welfare and Youth Work Practice. London, Macmillan (in press).

Davies, B. and Gibson, A. (1967). The Social Education of the Adolescent. London, University of London Press.

Dawes, F. (1975). A Cry from the Streets. The Boys Club Movement in Britain. Hove, Wayland.

DeVos, C. (1985). ‘Dimensions of the self in Japanese culture’, in Marsella, A.J. et al. (eds). Culture and Self. Asian and Western Perspectives. London, Tavistock.

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Dick, M. (1980). ‘The myth of the working class Sunday school’. History of Education, 9 (1).

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Eggleston, J. (1976). Adolescence and Community. The Youth Service In Britain. London, Edward Arnold.

Elliot, J. and Pring, R. (1975). ‘Introduction’, in Elliot, R. and Pring, R. (eds). Social Education and Social Understanding. London, University of London Press.

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Evans, W.M. (1965). Young People in Society. Oxford, Blackwell.

Ewen, J. (1972). Towards a Youth Policy. Leicester, MBS Publications.

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Foreman, A. (1987). ‘Youth workers as redcoats’, in Jeffs, T. and Smith, M. (eds). Youth Work. London, Macmillan.

Foster, J. (1977). Class Struggle and the Industrial Revolution. Early Industrial Capitalism in Three English Towns. London, Methuen.

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Giddens, A. (1979). Central Problems in Social Theory. London, Macmillan.

Giddens, A. (1984). The Constitution of Society. Outline of the Theory of Structuration. Cambridge, Polity Press.

Gillis, J.R. (1974, 1981). Youth and History. Tradition and Change in European Age Relations 1770-Present. New York, Academic Press.

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© Mark Smith 1988

Reproduced from Developing Youth Work. Informal education, mutual aid and popular practice, Milton: Keynes: Open University Press.

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