Michael Newman, adult learning, social action and activist education

Michael Newman, adult learning, social action and activist education. Michael Newman’s work and writing has, for many years, offered an important, grounded and refreshing alternative to much of what has passed as the mainstream in adult education and lifelong learning. In this piece we explore his contribution and the possibilities it offers for ‘activist educators’.

contents: maeler’s regard: images of adult learning · the third contract: theory and practice in trade union training · throwing out the balance with the bathwater · defining the enemy – adult education in social action

in preparation


Further reading and references

Newman, Michael (1975) Adult Education and Community Action, London: Writers and Readers Publishing Cooperative.

Newman, Michael (1979) The Poor Cousin: A Study of Adult Education, London: George Allen and Unwin.

Newman, Michael (1993) The Third Contract: Theory and practice in trade union training, Sydney: Stewart Victor Publishing. Now downloadable from  www.michaelnewman.info and the informal education archives.

Newman, Michael (1994) Defining the enemy: Social action in adult education, Sydney: . Stewart Victor Publishing. Now downloadable from  www.michaelnewman.info and the informal education archives.

Newman, Michael (1999) Maeler’s Regard: Images of adult learning, Sydney: Stewart Victor Publishing. Now downloadable from  www.michaelnewman.info and the informal education archives.

Newman, Michael (2006) Teaching Defiance: Stories and strategies for activist educators, San Fransisco: Jossey Bass.

How to cite this article: Smith, Mark K. (2007). ‘Michael Newman, adult learning, social action and activist education’, The encyclopedia of pedagogy and informal education. [. Retrieved: insert date].

© Mark K. Smith 2007