Learning mentors and informal education

Learning mentors became part of the life of many schools in England. What were, and are, they doing? What issues face them? As part of the Excellence in Cities (EiC) Initiative, the Department for Education and Employment in England, initiated what it described as an action plan to ‘raise standards, tackle failure and create a …

Mentoring and young people

Blackpool – Like Ellis Craven on Unsplash There was been a mushrooming of youth mentoring projects across the UK. Yet relatively little was known in the UK about the background to the idea and the principles underlying mentoring initiatives. Kate Philip investigates. contents: introduction ·the context ·the background · what is mentoring? · conclusions · …

Youth mentoring in perspective

Jean E. Rhodes explores the experience of some different youth mentoring programs and concludes that not all approaches to mentoring are equal in impact.. She argues that mentoring programs are not a substitute for a caring family, community support, or a concerted youth policy agenda and that we should ensure that mentor programs are adequately …