The evaluation page

A developing set of pages exploring theories, issues and practices in evaluation


evaluation – the theory and practice of evaluating informal education, lifelong learning and social action

bringing evaluation to the grassroots. Margo Menconi on evaluations in activist settings

action research: its role in evaluation for educators and activists.

communities of practice – such communities provide a powerful set of reference points and processes for evaluation.

evaluation -

key thinkers

kurt lewin: groups, experiential learning and action research

elliot w. eisner: connoisseurship, criticism and the art of education


using focus groups in evaluation: guide and discussion.

journaling: processes and benefits for educators and animateurs

generating theory: some key themes for informal educators and those involved in lifelong learning and social action

writing up: reports and studies

Click for a full listing

Acknowledgement: Photograph: Action Research Workshop with Christopher Robbins, WPA 2010 by Eyebeam Art + Technology Center. Sourced from Flickr and reproduced under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) licence.