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action research

Jane Addams and informal education (in preparation)

Jane Addams: Socialized education

Jane Addams: The subjective necessity for social settlements

Jane Addams:  Educational methods

Theodor W. Adorno on education

adult education.  See, also

the 1919 report – voluntary organizations and adult education

adult schools. See, also:

Rowntree and Binns (1903) The organization of the adult class

advocacy. See:

Brandon, David on advocacy

Albemarle Report, the (and the development of youth work in England and Wales. See also:

‘Albemarle Report’ – The Youth Service in England and Wales.

Chapter 1: the youth service yesterday and today;

Chapter 3: Justification and aims of the youth service;

Chapter 5: Activities and facilities; and

Chapter 10: Recommendations and priorities.

Alinsky, Saul


animate, care, educate. The core processes of social pedagogy and informal education


Hannah Arendt and modernity, see also:

Hannah Arendt and Jean Baudrillard: pedagogy in the consumer society

Argyris, Chris


Arts – what educators can learn from the arts about the practice of education


austerity, the impact on schools and children’s education and well-being



Baden Powell, Robert.

Bales, Robert Freed

Barnardo, Dr Thomas John

Leonard J. Barnes and youth work.

Barnett, Henrietta

Henrietta O. Barnett – What has the Charity Organisation Society to do with social reform?

Barnett, Samuel A.

Samuel A. Barnett – Practictable socialism.

Barnett, Samuel – University Settlements

Toynbee Hall

Leonard Barnett and the church youth club

Leonard Barnett – club and church (1951)

Leonard Barnett – why youth clubs?

Leonard Barnett – responsible people (fellowship and self-government in church youth clubs)

Batten, T. R. (Reg) and Madge

Jean Baudrillard

Hannah Arendt and Jean Baudrillard: pedagogy in the consumer society

Bermondsey Settlement. See, also:

Grace Kimmins and playwork

bible women

Biko, Steve

Augusto Boal

David Bohm

Bok, Sissela

Booth, Charles – mapping the impact of poverty and acting to improve things

Bosco, Don

Pierre Bourdieu: Habitus, capital, and field. Exploring reproduction in the practice of education.

Boys’ Brigade

boys’ club work

Brandon, David.

Brew, Josephine Macalister. See, also:

Josephine Macalister Brew – Why clubs at all?

Browning Hall

Bruner, Jerome S

Bryan, Tom. See, also:

Tom Bryan (1912) education and civic life.

Buber, Martin

building theory

Butterworth, James and Clubland

Button, Leslie and developmental group work


Caldwell Cook, H.

calling. See also: Too few, too many: The retreat from vocation and calling

camping – see summer camps

capacity building

carers and informal education

caring. See, also,

caring in education – Nel Noddings

Carpenter, Mary – reformatory schools and education

Charity Organization Society, The

Christian informal education

Christian youth work. See, also:

 youth work and the spark of the divine

The significance of Circular 1486 – The Service of Youth. See, also, full circular.

Cities and urbanism

Richard Sennett: Class, the new capitalism, craftsmanship, cooperation and cities

Citizenship, youth work and democratic renewal

civic community

civil society

Clayton, Revd. Philip (“Tubby”) and TocH

climate change

see, also: Naomi Klein: globalization, capitalism, neoliberalism and climate change

club work. See also:

Josephine Macalister Brew – Why clubs at all?

coffee houses




community auditing/profiling and neighbourhood studies

competence and competency

core processes of social pedagogy and informal education

civic community

community action:

community associations and centres.See, also:

community development

t.r. and madge batten and the non-directive approach to community development.

critical community development – reclaiming the radical agenda

green jazz, social jazz and community development

community education. See, also:

education in the community and community learning

community education, colonialism and development

community learning

working and learning together to build stronger communities – the Scottish Executive (2003).

communities of practice

community organization. See, also:

Saul Alinsky

community participation

community schools. See, also:

community education

community schools in Scotland

extended schools

folk high schools

see also: Hiemstra – The community school 

community studies

community work. See, also:



connexions strategy

connexions – the youth support service

connoisseurship and criticism


conversation and dialogue


Coyle, Grace



Foreman – personality and curriculum


democracy, education for

development, life-span

Dewey, John.

dialogue. See, also:

David Bohm – on dialogue

Paul Taylor – Dialogue, conversation and praxis

Dickens, Charles and informal education

Charles Dickens on ragged schooling

Charles Dickens – A sleep to startle us

double-loop learning


Eagar, Waldo McGillicuddy. See, also:

Waldo Eagar and the river

education. See also:

What educators can learn from the arts about the practice of education

education and happiness

education in the community

educational settlements. See, also:

Educational Settlements Association – Community Education.

educational gerontology

Eisner, Elliot W.


enterprise, young people and youth policy. An overview

Social enterprise and organizational learning

evaluation. See also:

Bringing evaluation to the grassroots: insights gleaned from studying the mobilization for global justice

Every Child Matters


experiential learning

extended schools


facilitators and facilitation

Fairbairn-Milson Report – Youth and Community Work in the 70s

focus groups

folk high schools

Follett, Mary Parker 

Freire, Paulo


friendship and education

Froebel, Friedrich

Fromm, Erich 

full-service schooling


M. K. Gandhi

Gardner, Howard

gerontology, educational

Henry A. Giroux and critical pedagogy


see, also: Naomi Klein: globalization, capitalism, neoliberalism and climate change

globalization and the incorporation of education

Goetschius, George. See, also:

working with unattached youth

Goodwin, William 

Godwin, William and the children’s bookshop

William Godwin – The characters of man originate in their external circumstances (archive)

Gramsci, Antonio

group – definition, forms, dimensions

group work (groupwork. See, also:

the early history of groupwork

social group work: formulation of a method, 1920-1936

group work: expansion and professionalism, 1937-1955

group development – forming, storming, norming and performing

what is group work (groupwork)?

Grundtvig, N. F. S. 

Luther Halsey Gulick


Habitus, capital, and field. Exploring reproduction in the practice of education

Hadow Reports

Hahn, Kurt

Hampstead Garden Suburb


haltung, pedagogy and informal education

helping, zen in the art of

Hill, Octavia. see also

Octavia Hill – Space for the people

Hole, James – Social education

holistic education

Homans, George Caspar

home education / home schooling

Horsfall, Thomas Coglan

bell hooks

hope, utopianism and educational renewal

housing, see:

Octavia Hill


Illich, Ivan


informal education. See, also:

what is informal education?

walking informal education – a virtual and ‘for real’ walk in central London

Jeffs and Smith – using informal education (1990)

Smith – informal education (from Developing Youth Work) (1988)

non-formal and informal education – towards a new paradigm

informal Jewish education, the philosophy of. See, also:

Reimer – a reply

informal, non-formal and formal education programmes

informal learning

informal learning and home education / home schooling

Innovation in youth work. Thinking in practice (ed. Naomi Stanton)

Stephen Billett – Critiquing workplace learning discourses: Participation and continuity at work

Helen Colley, Phil Hodkinson & Janice Malcolm (2002) Non-formal learning: mapping the conceptual terrain. A Consultation Report.

Sarah Elaine Eaton – formal, non-formal and informal learning: the case of literacy, essential skills and language learning in Canada

Reinhard Zürcher teaching-learning processes between informality and formalization.


Jazz, green and social

Jephcott, Pearl

Jewish informal education

Jewish youth movements

Journals – keeping them and using them for learning


Kimmins, Grace

Klein, Josephine

Naomi Klein: globalization, capitalism, neoliberalism and climate change


Malcolm S. Knowles

Kolb, David A.

Konopka, Gisela

Kotinsky, Ruth – on adult education and lifelong learning

Krishnamurti, Jiddu 


Lane, Homer

Lane – The Little Commonwealth

classical models of leadership (trait, behavioural, contigency, transformational)

shared leadership

learning – single-loop and double-loop

learning – informal. See also:

Billett – critiquing workplace learning discourses: participation and continuity at work

learning organization. See also,

Peter Senge and the learning organization

learning and place

learning society. See also,

Donald A Schön on reflection and learning

learning theory

– behaviourist orientation

– cognitive orientation

– humanistic orientation

– social/situational orientation

Lewin, Kurt

Lidgett, J. Scott

lifelong learning

lifelong learning and social capital

lifespan development and lifelong learning

Lindeman, Eduard

Lovett, William. See, also:

Lovett, William and John Collins Chartism: A new organization of the people 

Lying and moral choice in private and public life


Maclure, Will

Manchester University Settlement and Art Museum

Marx, Karl 

Mason, Charlotte

Matthews, Joan E

McClusky, Howard

McNair Report (1944) Teachers and Youth Leaders

mehrgenerationenhäuser – multi-generational meeting houses – animation, care and pedagogy

mentoring and young people. See, also:

learning mentors

youth mentoring in perspective

Methodism and youth work

Milson, Fred

Growing with the Job

Montagu, Lily 

Montessori, Maria 

More, Hannah

Morris, Henry

See, also: Viewing Impington – Henry Morris and the idea of the village college

Morris, William on education. See, also, in the archives:

William Morris – A factory as it might be
William Morris – Thoughts on education under capitalism

multiple intelligences

Muscular Christianity


Neal, Mary

neighbourhood, crime and informal education

neighbourhoods – sustainable

Neighborhoods (neighbourhoods) and regeneration

neighbourhood studies and community auditing/profiling

neuro-linguistic programming

Noddings, Nel

non-directive approach to community development.

non-formal education

non-formal and informal education – towards a new paradigm

non-formal learning

Helen Colley, Phil Hodkinson & Janice Malcolm (2002) Non-formal learning: mapping the conceptual terrain. A Consultation Report.

Nyerere, Julius


old age pensions

open schooling

organizational learning. See also,

Chris Argyris, theories of action, double-loop learning and organizational learning

Kurt Lewin, group dynamics and action learning

Peter Senge and the learning organization

Social enterprise and organizational learning

Outward Bound, see:

Hahn, Kurt

outdoor learning

Owen, Robert

Robert Owen. An Address to the Inhabitants of New Lanark.

Oxford in Bermondsey


Palmer, Parker J.

partnerships in education

participant observation

participation in learning

Passmore Edwards Settlement

Paterson, Alexander – youth work and prison reform

Pelham, Tom – boys clubs and ragged schooling

pedagogy, see also: Teaching and pedagogy

Pestalozzi, Johann H.

Pethick, Emmeline

see, also, Emmeline Pethick – Working girls’ clubs

Planning and urban design

Richard Sennett: Class, the new capitalism, craftsmanship, cooperation and cities


Marie Paneth – Branch Street, The Windemere Children, art and pedagogy.

playwork, see

Grace Kimmins and playwork

“The playground of today is the republic of tomorrow”: social reform and organized recreation in the USA, 1890-1930’s

Plowden Report, the

Polyani, Michael

popular education

post-modernism/post modernity

praxis, see also,

Paul Taylor – Dialogue, conversation and praxis.

probation,  crime and informal education

Putnam, Robert. D.


Quakers and the development of adult schools


‘race’, difference and lifelong learning

ragged schooling. See, also:

Dickens – ragged schooling

Stanley – night schools

Raikes, Robert and Sunday schools

Ranyard, Ellen

recreation. See:

“The playground of today is the republic of tomorrow”: social reform and organized recreation in the USA, 1890-1930’s

Reason, Will. See also:

Will Reason: Settlements and education

Reed, Bryan: informal religious education and youth work




residential care with adults – the contribution of informal education

residential settlements

Rogers, Carl 

role-model education

Oscar Romero of El Salvador: informal adult education in a context of violence

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. 

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques in London

Ruskin, John on education

John Ruskin – Modern education

Russell, Charles and boys’ clubs


Saadawi, Nawal El 

Schön, Donald A.

schooling, see

Burley – informal education and schooling

community schools.

community education

community schools in Scotland

education for democracy 

extended schools

folk high schools

full-service schooling

informal education and schooling

self-direction, see also:

Brockett and Hiemstra: A conceptual framework for understanding self-direction in adult learning

Stephen D. Brookfield – Self-directed learning

self-help, Samuel Smiles


Senge, Peter

Senior, Jane Nassau

Seton, Edward Thompson

settlements and social action centres. See, also:

adult education and the settlement movement

Will Reason: Settlements and education

Bermondsey Settlement

Birmingham Settlement

Browning Hall

educational settlements

Manchester University Settlement and Art Museum

Passmore-Edwards settlement

Residential settlements and social change

Toynbee Hall

Sennett, Richard: Class, the new capitalism, craftsmanship, cooperation and cities.

Sewell, E. Leslie, see also

Sewell, E. Leslie, ‘Looking at Youth Clubs

Smiles, Samuel and self-help

Chapter 1 Self-Help

Smith, William Alexander

social action, see, also

the social action virtual walk

social capital

social capital and lifelong learning

social education

Hole, James – Social education

Smith, Mark – creators not consumers. rediscovering social education

Smith, Mark – beyond social education (1988)

social enterprise and organizational learning

social exclusion, ‘joined-up’ thinking and individualization – new labour’s connexions strategy

social group work: formulation of a method, 1920-1936

social pedagogy. See also: animate, care, educate. The core processes of social pedagogy and informal education

Solly, Henry

Henry Solly’s prospectus for the Working Men’s Club and Institute Union 1862

Henry Solly: the origin and nature of Working Men’s Clubs and Institutes (1867)

Speth, James Gustave

sports and non-formal education: Social justice, or social control?

Stanley, Maude, see also,

Stanley – night schools

Stansfeld, John (“The Doctor”) – and Oxford in Bermondsey

Stead, Frances Herbert

summer camps, camp counselors and informal education

sunday schools, See,also:

Hannah More: Sunday schools, education and youth work

supervision, the functions of

Joan E. Matthews – Professional Skill

sustainable communities and enduring neighbourhoods

Sweatman, Arthur. See, also:

Sweatman: Youths’ Clubs and Institutes


tacit knowledge

Tagore, Rabindranath

Tash, M. Joan. See, also:

Working with unattached youth

Tawney, Richard Henry and adult education

theories of action

theory building


Toynbee Hall

Transforming Youth Work

training informal educators

Tuckman, Bruce W.


university settlements

utopianism, hope and educational renewal


village colleges

vocation and calling. See also: Too few, too many: The retreat from vocation and calling


walks: exploring informal education [starting from close to Charing Cross Station and finishing by Tottenham Court Road underground station] | exploring social action [alongside the River Thames in Bermondsey and Rotherhithe]

Ward, Colin – the ‘gentle’ anarchist and informal education

Ward, Mary

Whitehouse, John Howard

Williams, George

Wilson, Gertrude

Williams, Raymond and education

Willmott, Peter

Wollstonecraft, Mary. See also

Mary Wollstonecraft (1792) On national education


Woods, Robert A. – settlements, neigbourhoods and association

Robert A. Woods (1899) University settlements: their point and drift.

Robert A. Woods (1912) The recovery of the parish.

Working Men’s Club and Institute Union

Henry Solly’s prospectus for the Working Men’s Club and Institute Union 1862

Henry Solly: the origin and nature of Working Men’s Clubs and Institutes

workplace learning discourses



Basil Yeaxlee

young women, informal education work with

young people and the 2011 ‘riots’ in England – experiences, explanations and implications for youth work


youth work



Leonard Barnett – club and church (1951)

Leonard Barnett – why youth clubs?

Leonard Barnett – responsible people (fellowship and self-government in church youth clubs)

Christian youth work

Emmeline Pethick – Working girls’ clubs

Robertson – a safe, warm place: an argument for youth clubs

Sewell, E. Leslie – Looking at youth clubs

Sweatman: Youths’ Clubs and Institutes


Christian youth work

youth ministry and social change 1930-1999

Methodism and youth work

Fred Milson – Growing with the Job

Fred Milson – Why am I a youth worker?

Youth work and the spark of the divine


Detached youth work and project work

Citizenship, youth work and democratic renewal

young people, informal education and association

youth sports and non-formal education: Social justice, or social control?


Jewish youth movements


school-based work


Key reports:

Board of Education (1944) Teachers and Youth Leaders (the McNair Report)

Ministry of Education (1945): The aims and purpose of the youth service

The significance of Circular 1486 – The Service of Youth. See, also, full circular.

The Albemarle Report and the development of youth work in England and Wales and the  ‘Albemarle Report’ – The Youth Service in England and Wales (1959).

Department of Education and Science – Youth and Community Work in the 70s. (1969)

Department of Education and Science – Effective Youth Work (1987)

Department of Education and Skills (2003) From youth work to youth development

Youth Matters (2005)

HM Treasury (2007) Aiming high for young people: A ten year strategy for positive activities.

Scottish Executive (2007) Moving Forward. A strategy for improving young people’s chances through youth work

Welsh Assembly Government (2007) Young people, youth work, Youth Service. National Youth Service Strategy for Wales.



the case for youth work – a presentation to the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit 2004

Innovation in youth work. Thinking in practice (ed. Naomi Stanton)

Smith – Developing Youth Work



Acknowledgements: The picture, “Indexed” is by Stuart Cale. Sourced from Flickr and reproduced under a Creative Commons
Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) licence.